Saturday, October 20, 2012

Xi'an City Wall and Shaanxi Museum

Today was beautiful and I took advantage of it by walking to the city wall along the mote which has all been developed into park area.  Many people were out enjoying the warm day so I hope you enjoy the pictures.  I also biked around the top of the wall and then met friends for a trip to the Shaanxi Museum.  A student from another university was with us and as an art major, he was a very informative guide.  Xi'an has had many ancient finds in recent years and many of the artifacts go back 3,000-6,000 years.  We're talking serious history.  Many areas have not yet been excavated because they don't have the technology to preserve some of the very ancient discoveries and so for now they are staying underground.  After a long day of walking and biking, we treated ourselves to pizza.  I hope you enjoyed the MEA break and also had some beautiful fall weather so you could get out and enjoy a good walk or bike ride.

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing the pictures of the chubby babies and the children everywhere. Thank you for sharing your time there with us. I am learning a lot about China
